Saturday, May 1, 2010


As if a faceless guardian angel stands above me, pouring glorious thoughts and ideas over me, the overflow runs through my fingertips as I peck out a post. Being aware that I have much to learn before I can be my best as a writer, tis a great gift the Holy Spirit has annointed me with. This glorious gift allows me to be the servant of my unlimited Master. To have the AMAZING AHA --- that I give Him great pleasure as a willful participant in His utmost highest plan --- thrills me to humility. In the next decade I shall allow my writing skill to be sharpened by taking a writers course online. Easily and with great appreciation do I surrender to be the instrument that paints word pictures as I am fed and led. Capturing the essence of an encounter, the color of a character, the beauty of a blossoming thought is my blessed calling. Hours upon hours of seeking photos that enhance wisdom, prose and scripture has stretched my imagination and widened my mind to the size of a canvas that matches the sky. Travelling to a beautiful landscape with a cast of extra ordinary people, then writing their characters into short stories has given me such deep satisfaction...which merely echoes a hearty HALLELUIAH, and it's about time --- from the One who gives all gifts! Thank You Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for Your patience, kindness, mercy and generosity! The colors, the beauty, the expressions, the amazing scenes HAVE indeed delighted my soul to overflow with tidbits and rambling samplings for years now. These treasured logs are my legacy of love and I thrive as an unknown author, on a world wide published blog! Your ways are not our ways Lord. Using the world wide web to reach, teach and bring understanding of how great Thou art --- through word art! You Rock, You Reign, and You rain color as You weave a good and steady stock of truth through the light of Your Word - My sacred reminder of who has always loved first. HERE I AM LORD, use me! What wonders You have shown me, and to Jesus all praise is due! Thank You for loving, uncovering, filling, guiding and preparing me to play the part You have given me. I need You Father, I love You Jesus, and I thank You Holy Spirit. I ask for Your wisdom, and invite the discipline. AMEN

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