Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Provential Scruples

The country dance, a scene in becoming none other than a famous spinster authoress. Enjoy the cadence of the lines exchanged during a stroll among the Hampshire Woods. Delicate music was perfectly timed to chime during the ardent flair of nostrils betwixt a silent pair that seemed unlikely ever to find a commonality. She saw him stomping and stumbling over fallen branches and her face expressed a muse of delight while she picked up her pace in order to not be approached. As history imagines what was perhaps the soul riveting compulsion behind Miss Austen's brilliantly written "Pride and Prejudice" ~ the magic of "Becoming Jane" gives Austen fans a glimmer of the love that inspired her best works. The scene of the country walk has Mr LaFroy obviously out of his preferred element. He happens upon Jane alone, taking a walk along an unkempt forested trail. "Oh come! What rules of conduct define this rural situation? We have been introduced have we not?" To this request for a kind welcome Miss Austen replied "What value is there in an introduction when you cannot even remember my name? Indeed you can barely stay awake in my presence! Such scruples must seem very provential to a gentleman with such elevated airs, but I do not adivse these rules, I merely am obliged to obey them." Mr Lafroy searches for words to continue in conversation and blurts "I've been told there is much to see upon a walk but all I've detected so far is a general tendency to be green above and brown below." Immediate defense is taken up by Miss Austen as she affronts "Well others have detected more, it is celebrated ~ there is even a book about Southern Wood." Mr LaFroy engages her further "A novel perhaps?" Again Miss Austen's reply is abrupt and it challenges Mr LaFroy to consider why she seems so defensive "Novels, being poor insipid things read by mere women? Even, God forbid, written by mere women!" Mr LaFroy dug deep and came up with insight "I see we are talking about your reading". Miss Austen is quickly incensed and pounces back with "As if the writing of women does NOT display the greatest powers of mind, knowledge of human nature, the livliest diffusions of wit and humor using the best chosen language imaginable!" Mr LaFroy is apt in his assessment as he inquires "Was I deficient in rapture?" Ah Miss Austen reflects his lucid behavior during her evening reading and stiffly replies "In consciousness!" Taking time to gather the appropriate yet delayed compliment he says clearly "It was accomplished." With her beguiling smile she simply says "It was ironic!" The scene ends with Mr LaFroy calling out to Jane as she strides quickly ahead "And you are sure I've not offended you?" She hails back "Not at all!" The script of "Becoming Jane" is absolutely stunning! To gather all the brilliance I suggest watching it with a cup of Earl Gray, on bluray with subtitles! You will thrill in the wit of it! Many movies miss the timing of lines. Another favorite is when Mr LaFroy humbly asks Jane for a dance "I would regard it as a mark of extreme favor if you would stoop to honor me with the next dance." Her readers are as aflame as she with Mr Darcy's, I mean Mr LaFroy's offer.


  1. Hey Barbie - I just finished reading "austenland" a novel about a modern girl who is obsessed with P&P and goes to England to stay at a fantasyland Pemberly. Its funny and fun. They are making a movie of it too.

    Good writing sis

  2. Hey Mary - how are you and John?

    I'm reading P&P during lunch at work. Will seek the audio of "austenland". The City finally balanced the budget with a 20% cut for all paychecks across the board. My take home reduced by $300a month. The GOOD NEWS is that all that's GOING ON prompted a Ghost Writing career. Every other Friday the City is closed so my 3 day weekends are a time for me to earn a bit more. Very exciting to begin writing for a profit. An income stream that is portable, that I can continue in Mexico. In only 2 short years my new casa will be paid off May 2013. My sacrifice will be worth it! On 7/11/11 my retirement calculation revealed that my lifetime income will be more than adequate along the shore of Lake Chapala. My retire date is set at June 18, 2014. A great GOAL as my final year working will allow me to enjoy California around my new pool! My plan is working as my anticipated income without debt will allow me to make annual trips to visit family and friends in the USA.

    All for now
    Yo SIS
    Barbie Sue
