Friday, September 9, 2011


Coherent wishing made possible to understand in this application book. The Circle: How The Power Of A Single Wish Can Change Your Life - this book brings understanding of the power of foucs at a refined 2011 level. Think and Grow Rich, The Power of Positive Thinking, and Awaken the Giant Within, bu Authors Hill, Peale and Robbins are great, but The Circle clarifies the psychological states that lead to accomplishing the important desire of compatible connection. It refers to concepts that many associate with spiritual beliefs, however Laura Day encourages an independent assessment, aside from any particular religion or set of spiritual beliefs. Simply reframe her words to fit into your own religious or spiritual beliefs. KEY POINT: "what you perceive, what you conceive, and what you create are one." The concept develops within three stages. A) Your initiation to discover your one true wish and place into The Circle language. B) Apprenticeship C) Mastery. With nine steps to full circle:

(1) Intention -- Choose a specific, positive, passionate, and present desire. (2) Embodiment -- Create "reality" tales, songs, and meditate to make it real. (3) Ritual -- Engage rituals that allow achievement. Eliminate habits that destroy (4) Expect Luck --- Synchronized coincidences occur, tap into them often. Pay attention to setbacks, problems, challenges and get inspired by them! (5) Get Clear -- Open heart, eyes, hands. Let go of people, places things. (6) Cohesive -- Eliminate cross-purposes that pull you away from your wish. (7) Greet Roadblocks -- Be inspired to get beyond the appearance to experience (8) Expose Agendas --- Hidden ways that we self-sobatage get exposed with honesty. Realize that your wish needs to be changed to better reflect what you really want. (9) Expand Support group -- "Give what you have. Ask for what you need."The past and the future exist in the present. Re-examine the past in the present and proclaim the gift and gain the power of FAITH in your ability to achieve. Brief yet effective assignments for each step refine our hopes, dreams and belief in our right to receive all that was pre-ordained for us to receive. Apply the prcess to one wish. Gain from the experience by identifying what roadblocks to rise above. Resolve the pin pointed issues and achieve definite progress. Get insight and be transformed by the value of each exposed internal issue. The purpose of explored intentions is that we experience the power of intentional focus.
On Oprah Winfrey's final show she said "If it were not for God and Jesus, this show would not be possible" She reminded us all that we are both the "sender and receivers." of energy and therefore we are responsible for what we "put out" and what we "attract". Our family, friends, co-workers are front and center receivers of what love, joy, forgiving, non-judging energy we put out. We share our intentions with people, and we are responsible to receive and respond to their assertions, reactions, questions, and suggestions as to what our impact is. Our viewers, our listeners are effected by who we are. We must be ready to notice, engage and employ what we know to be true of us, that we are WORTHY and GIFTED by GOD to GIVE our best. In the book the Circle, a measure of metaphysics is described without the clutter of detail which often does not allow for faith. Create valuable cohesive thought and action while completing the assignments in a conscientious way. Master the nine steps and become the Circle. My intention of this blog post is to inform others in this condensed version so that more can achieve their deepest wishes. Help me build my mastery to a higher level. Let us select worthy goals, and commit to them with integrity!

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