Friday, July 30, 2010


Happiness is a state of mind or inside feeling that shows up on faces. The look of love, pleasure, joy, contentment, satisfaction are clear without words. A variety of biological, psychological, religious, and philosophical analysts have researched happiness in order to define its source. However the intellect has stumbled when attempting to define a direct measurement of happiness. Being happy or feeling joy does not require laughter.
We are told and we are sold that the TRUE positive EMOTION of JOY that we SEE in those SMILING FACES, or in those we HEAR constantly LAUGHING --- does NOT auto-matically place them in the desired category of a "Happy Person". The ability to remain HAPPY, content, SATISFIED, or joyful regardless of an external circumstance does however BEGUILE us! Consider California Gurls, Kate Perry, Ghandi, Oprah, Mandella, Corrie Tin Bom, Mother Teresa, or Billy Graham --- so bewitching! How did they come by this JOY? Is the common denominator MONEY? Does plenty of cash guarantee happiness? Look at Mel Gibson, a Million Dollar Athelete, Bradd Pitt or name the celebrity of choice then google their HAPPY quotient. Does their "HAPPY" default to a FEIGN without FAME? What about BOB --- that HAPPY FACED DUDE? Ain't he the absolute perfect VISION OF JOY ?
His eyes are bright
He emits a light
Nothing changes
His attitude
ALL the time.
Listen to Bob RAP this SONG~
"Smiling faces going places
Light hearted with lolipop faces
To the mall, a beach, or back road races
California Gurls giggle loud and lotz
They seldom complain or throw rocks!
California Gurls, a fluff of curls
They leave me in a whirl
Witty and meaningless
Leaving Bob breathless
Shameless and Aimless
Seeking that famous
HAPPINESS! SHOUT JOY OUT! Consider a concert or a football game? What the crowd feels travels and spreads --- ANGER or JOY is CONTAGIOUS ~ YIKES! Research identified a number of attributes that correlate with happiness: relationships and social interaction, marital status, employment, health, democratic freedom, optimism, endorphins released through physical exercise and eating chocolate! Religious involvement, income and the proximity to other happy people. Human relationships, and PET relations are consistently found to be the most important correlation with human happiness. The 2008 British Medical Journal reported that happiness in social networks may spread from person to person. VISUALIZE "THE WAVE" movement at a game~ That research MUST have been FUN! Scientists followed nearly 5000individuals for 20 years in the Framingham Heart Study and found clusters of happiness and unhappiness that spread up to 3 degrees of separation on average. Happiness tends to spread through ongoing contact with family, friends, siblings, spouses, co-workers, and neighbors! STATS suggest happiness spread more consistently than unhappiness through the network. The HAPPY analyst reported that HAPPINESS spread through a population like a virus! ALSO that older folks generally happier than younger folks! JOY does not appear to be generational, because longitudinal research found that happiness increased over time for the older people who were studied. Older peeps SHARE that their creaking health has a bone to pick with the BOUYANT youth that whine about taxes~ Young persons FEEL more anger, anxiety, depression, and financial stress while balancing troubled LYRICS in popular LOVE songs~

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